Sector Information

Useful information about the hydropower sectors in the EU and the five target countries can be found here.


The HYPOSO Handbook is not only a product of the HYPOSO project but at the same time a true product of European expertise and collegial cooperation.

In addition to information on the history and on the application areas of small hydropower, this handbook shows and describes various technical solutions for the small hydropower sector. Valuable information on planning and financing models complete this book.

Special thanks go to the Horizon 2020 project "Hydropower Europe" for facilitating the contact with the expert Prof. Cécile Münch-Alligné, who also represents the Horizon 2020 project "XFLEX Hydro". Valuable input on fish-friendly concepts came from the Horizon 2020 project "FIThydro", represented by Lea Berg and Prof. Peter Rutschmann. Information on the latest opportunities in hidden hydro as well as turbine technology was supported by Vincent Denis, who is associated with EU projects as an evaluator.



Stakeholder lists

Bringing together stakeholders from the same sector with colleagues from other countries is vital to enhance the sector. The HYPOSO project partners work together to map as many stakeholders in the EU and the target countries as possible to facilitate an overview about the hydropower landscape in these regions.


Framework conditions & Political recommendations

The HYPOSO project partners in Bolivia, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador and Uganda have analysed political, legal, financial and educational framework as well as financing opportunities for the prospective hydropower sector in their countries.

The presented information includes the following for each country:
•    Key facts;
•    Power sector overview and renewable electricity policy;
•    Hydropower sector and potential;
•    Small hydropower (SHP) policy and market analysis;
•    Educational framework, research situation and need for research;
•    SHP financing opportunities and environment;
•    Barriers to SHP development;
•    Future prospects for large and small hydropower


HYPOSO publications

Title / Download Author(s) Type Date Language
Replicable Pre-Feasibility Study FN pdf 30.06.2023 en
Replicable environmental and socio-economic impact assessment FN pdf 30.06.2023 en
Financial Assessment of 15 SHP cases 1to3 pdf 30.06.2023 en
National and international events attended by HYPOSO TRMEW pdf 31.05.2023 en
The HYPOSO business cooperation study tour TRMEW pdf 31.05.2023 en
HYPOSO capacity buidling strategy for Bolivia, Ecuador, Cameroon, and Uganda  IHE Delft pdf 31.05.2023 en
HYPOSO cooperation with European hydropower industry EREF pdf 31.05.2023 en
Report on five framework conditions workshops for SHP TRMEW pdf 30.05.2023 en
Report on five webinars in the HYPOSO target countries FN pdf 12.05.2023 en
HYPOSO Map module with high performance web site interface VDU pdf 30.04.2023 en
The HYPOSO Map establishment VDU pdf 30.06.2020 en
Original Leaflet Consortium pdf 28.02.2020 en
Leaflet print format Consortium pdf 28.02.2020 en
Project Poster Consortium pdf 28.02.2020 en
English Handbook Consortium pdf 31.12.2020 en
Dépliant Consortium pdf 28.02.2020 fr
Manuel français Consortium pdf 31.12.2020 fr
Folleto Consortium pdf 28.02.2020 es
Manual español Consortium pdf 31.12.2020 es
Capacity building - training methods Consortium pdf 30.07.2020 en
Capacity building - activity schedules Consortium pdf 30.07.2020 en
Report on framework analysis and research needs in five target countries Consortium pdf 30.04.2020 en
Overview promotion materials Consortium pdf 12.09.2020 en



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