HYPOSO Newsletter Issue 2 
Welcome editorial by the HYPOSO Coordinator
Dear reader,
we hope that you, your families and friends are all
safe and in good health, and had a good start into
2022. The Covid-19 pandemic still affects our daily
lives, however, we hope and wish that soon we all will
be able to get our (new) normal life back.
I’m glad to share the second HYPOSO newsletter
with you, that contains, like the first newsletter,
updates about the project, an outlook on future
project activities, an interview, and results coming
from a European partner project.
Within HYPOSO, we work on two major objectives, to
stimulate the energy transition in developing and
emerging countries (together with our partners in
Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador in Latin America, and
in Cameroon and Uganda in Africa), and to support of
the European hydropower industry. Therefore, different
tools were and will be developed.
In this newsletter, besides an update on project
activities, we like to draw the attention to two
outcomes of HYPOSO, the
first expert site visits in one of
the HYPOSO target countries, as well
as updates about the HYPOSO Platform,
a password secured online forum, set up for
stakeholders from the HYPOSO target countries and from
Europe and meant to facilitate making business
together. Janusz Steller (Prof. at
IMP PAN in Gdansk, Poland, and HYPOSO expert), will
share his
point of view on the hydro business
and inform about the
HYDROFORUM conference. Finally,
results from the FIThydro project are
For more information about HYPOSO, please refer to our
website, follow our twitter account ( @HyposoEU), join the
HYPOSO LinkedIn group
for discussions, and
to HYPOSO's newsletter. We would appreciate it, if
you forward our newsletter to colleagues and other
interested persons.
On behalf of the HYPOSO team
Ingo Ball
HYPOSO Coordinator

Update and future activities (Capacity Building Courses
in Africa, Framework Condition Workshop and Site visits
in Cameroon)
While you are reading this newsletter, the second week of the Capacity Building Courses
in Africa has just taken place. During two separated weeks,
selected participants from Cameroon and Uganda could participate to
lectures that were given by HYPOSO project partners, who are experienced
experts in the field.
The first week was carried out from 10 to 14 January 2022. The lectures
were organised as online lectures (see photo below) and coordinated by
IHE Delft (Netherlands), supported in week 1 by project partner VDU
 Impressions of the first week of the Capacity
Building Course for the African partner countries
The lectures included the topics Basics of hydropower exploitation,
Hydropower systems, Dams and storage basin, Power waterways, Hydrology,
Hydraulic design, GIS & HP potential, and Computer based tools for
HPP resources. A positive side effect of the organisation as online
lectures was, that more participants could benefit from them. The photo
below shows the participants that gathered in a central venue in Uganda
to follow the lectures. It was organised in the same way in Cameroon.
 Participants of the first week of the capacity
building course in Uganda
The second week was carried out as live event in Ebolowa in Cameroon.
The project partner from Cameroon, SHW (SOLARHYDROWATT) organised the
venue and accommodation for the participants from Cameroon and Uganda.
HYPOSO project partner HPAU (Hydro Power Association of Uganda)
organised the travel for the participants from Uganda and was in charge
to support them. The lectures covered the topics Hydraulic Units, Weirs
and water intakes, Electrical equipment & lines, Operation and
maintenance, and Hydropower systems. The event ended with a visit of the
HPP Memve’ele which is located not too far away from Ebolowa.
The first (of five) HYPOSO Workshop on Framework Conditions
was held on 28 January 2022 in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. It was
organised by the project partners TRMEW (Poland) and SHW (Cameroon).
Ewa Malicka, President of the Polish Small Hydro Association, welcomed
guests and presented the information on the HYPOSO project as well as
the objectives of the workshop. She was supported by Joseph Kenfack
(SHW), our project partner from Cameroon who managed to achieve the
support of the Minister of Water Resources and Energy of Cameroon, who
signed and stamped invitations to important stakeholders to support the
HYPOSO project. After the introduction, Joseph Kenfack presented the
outcomes of the analysis of the framework conditions for hydropower in
Cameroon made within the project by our Lithuanian partner - VDU.
Subsequently, Nino Frosio (Frosio Next) presented the three selected
pilot sites, visited by the project experts in recent days. He pointed
out the potential barriers these projects can encounter while being
developed. After this, the most important part of the workshop came,
i.e. the discussion, moderated by Prof. Bernhard Pelikan (Frosio Next)
together with Joseph Kenfack, on the actual situation and needs for
hydropower in Cameroon as well as on the ideas how these needs can be
met and how the development of small hydro projects can be facilitated.
 Participants of the first Workshop on Framework Conditions in Cameroon
The views and ideas were discussed together with policy makers, local
authorities, private and public financing institutions, and project
developers and investors. The main points of the discussion were then
summarized by Prof. Pelikan who, on these grounds, also formulated the
draft recommendations for decision makers in Cameroon on how to tackle
the barriers faced by small hydro developers and investors. In the end
of the workshop the outcomes of the HYPOSO project - the HYPOSO Map and
the HYPOSO Platform - were presented to the participants as tools made
to increase a number of investments in sustainable projects in target
countries as well as to stimulate the market uptake of EU technologies
As well in January 2022 and in Cameroon, the second set of site visits
was carried out. Experts from HYPOSO project partners Frosio Next
(Italy) and IMP PAN (Poland) visited and analysed three different sites
together with the local owners, and discussed with them possible ways of
 The HYPOSO experts on the way to a high potential site in Cameroon
More information about the visits will be presented in the next newsletter.
The next occasions to get updates about the HYPOSO project will be in April this year, at HYDRO 2022, in Strasbourg, France. |

HYPOSO experts visit potential sites in Uganda
the second half of August 2021, the HYPOSO project could finally take
one big step towards a milestone. The experts from HYPOSO project
partners Frosio Next (Italy), IMP PAN (Poland), and local partner HPAU
gathered in Uganda to visit the selected sites for SHP development. The
sites are located in the south, west, and east of Uganda.
 An image, showing the three sites in Uganda for which
a pre-feasibility study will be developed, as well as
a part of the HYPOSO experts' team
At their arrival in the capital Kampala, the HYPOSO experts were
welcomed by a local committee that was honoured by the presence of MoP
and HYPOSO Advisory Board Member Dr Eng. Irene Muloni, who is also a
Presidential Advisory on Energy. Further members of the welcome
committee were the local stakeholders who like to develop the SHP sites
together with the experts from the HYPOSO project.
The site visits after the welcome meeting took place for two weeks. At
each site, the local site owners discussed details of a potential
implementation of a SHP that would benefit in all cases the local
population and shall lead to better development possibilities in the
rural regions.
 Scenic view during the site visits in Uganda
The HYPOSO experts use the insights they made to develop for each site a
pre-feasibility study, which will be presented to the European industry
at a later stage. As European funded project, HYPOSO invites the EU
hydro industry first to deploy the sites together with the local owners.

The HYPOSO Platform – extension ongoing
requests from the EU hydro industry, we’ve asked our Project Officer at
the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
(CINEA) whether we could extend the countries that are eligible to use
the HYPOSO Platform. CINEA gave us green lights that not only
stakeholders from the HYPOSO partner countries Bolivia, Cameroon,
Colombia, Ecuador and Uganda can register themselves on it, but also
stakeholders from other African and Latin American countries.
The HYPOSO Platform is an exclusive, password-secured online forum for
hydropower stakeholders and was developed to enable also smaller
companies and organisations to make direct contacts and facilitate
business relations with each other. It is necessary to register for the
HYPOSO Platform to use its full functionality. HYPOSO Platform members
are classified in accordance to their business focus along the small
hydropower (SHP) value chain. The image below shows the starting screen
of the HYPOSO Platform.

You can register for the HYPOSO Platform for free
following this link:
One remark, when you’re thinking about WHY you
should register to the HYPOSO Platform, the question
is not WHY… the question is WHY NOT?
Exclusively on the HYPOSO Platform, pre-information
about the business case sites will be published, and
also the HYPOSO Map (a gis tool, helping to find
promising sites suited for SHP, that will be published
soon) will be accessible first only via the HYPOSO
Platform, one more reason to register.

Interview with the organizer of the HYDROFORUM
 Prof. Janusz Steller, IMP PAN, Poland
Janusz Steller, Professor at IMP PAN in Gdansk, Poland, and HYPOSO
expert, will share his point of view on the hydro business and inform
about the HYDROFORUM conference.
Please tell us about the background of your organisation and your role in the HYPOSO project.
J. Steller:
Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery (IMP PAN) is a research
institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, located in Gdansk, in
direct neighbourhood of Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), a Polish
technical university which in 1945 overtook the premises and a part of
tradition of the famous TH Danzig. The Institute evolved in 1956 from
the Self-dependent Turbomachinery Establishment of the Polish Academy of

Results from the FIThydro project
FIThydro, Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for
Hydropower, was a European Commission-funded Horizon
2020 project with 26 partners from 10 European
countries and a total budget of 7.2 million Euros. The
project, led by the Chair of Hydraulic Engineering at
the Technical University of Munich, highlighted the
important role of hydropower as a renewable, CO2 free
energy in Europe. FIThydro addressed the decision
support in commissioning and operating hydropower
plants (HPP) by use of existing and innovative
technologies. It concentrated on mitigation measures
and strategies to develop cost-efficient environmental
solutions and on strategies to avoid individual fish
damage while enhancing population developments.
Therefore, HPPs all over Europe were involved as test
Find the most
important outcomes of the project
briefly explained
here.  FIThydro Test case – Altusried Hydropower
Plant, Germany (© Oliver_König) |
 | www.hyposo.eu
This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement No
| |