During July and August 2022, the hydropower experts from the HYPOSO project partners Frosio Next (Italy) and IMP PAN (Poland) visited altogether 9 different potential hydropower sites in Bolivia, Ecuador, and in Colombia, 3 in each of the visited countries. In each of the three countries, they were supported by the local HYPOSO project partners, namely by UMSS (Bolivia), EPN (Ecuador), and CELAPEH (Colombia). During their visits, the HYPOSO experts assessed the available information about the sites at the original places, checked for instance locations for intake, conduction, and powerhouse, and gathered as well information to be considered for the environmental and social impact assessment.
Starting in Bolivia, two sites around La Paz were assessed, and one site close to Cochabamba, where the local HYPOSO project partners from Universidad Mayor de San Símon (UMSS) are located.
Continuing in Ecuador, there, one potential site is located in the north and another one in the south of Quito, the Ecuadorian capital. The third site is located in the south of Guayaquil.
In the third Latin American partner country Colombia, tow sites are around Medellín, and one site is located around the city of Popayán.
HYPOSO project partners Frosio Next, IMP PAN, and also 1to3 Capital (Netherlands) are currently working on the pre-feasibility studies, the ESIA (environmental and social impact assessment), and also on a dedicated financing recommendation for each site.